Making machines more efficient
Bigger Business Advantatge

IP Licensing Model Broad IP portfolio accessible through a single license.

Transparent Integration Open technology transfer provides customers ultimate integration flexibility without quality or cost concerns.

Address Climate Change Help customers meet carbon neutrality and global emissions regulations.
Dynamic Motor Drive (DMD™)
DMD Software Drives EV Efficiency
Learn more
Easy for a customer to integrate, test and get to production.
Delivers 2-5% efficiency gain in standard vehicle drive cycles.
Avoid the financial and environmental costs of rare earth metals.
ICE In-Use Annual Savings per Vehicle
Beyond Technology, Tula’s Advantage Comes From Its People
With more patents and more years of combined engineering experience than any company of its size, Tula’s teams regularly make the news. We create the technology proven to help the automotive industry and the environment.
Diverse Staff with Multi-disciplinary Expertise

Our collaboration with General Motors delivered technology to 2M+ vehicles on the road
Global Technical Ecosystem
We engage with many OEMs, tier-1 suppliers, universities, and government entities
Continuing the Global Conversation
Here is a sample of our recent publications
Dynamic Skip Fire in the Press
No matter how it’s powered, Tula has it covered

Dynamic Efficiency Starts with Tula